
June 10, 2008

i’m addicted to my thai massage guy. last time i asked for him and they gave me some other guy. who sucked. on the way out i saw him and asked him to write his name down so i could be sure to get it right the next time. he wrote – ya. i told him that in my language that was a name for god. he smiled politely. he didn’t understand. i’m on my way to bangkok tonight and i can’t wait for my date with ya. 

a. has pointed out that the new (and exiting) design is a bit confusing. i didn’t see it at first, but i think i understand what he means now. i will be fiddling with it over the weekend (i’m off to bangkok for a couple of days, doubt i’ll have too much free time there between massage, papaya and shopping).

see what i come up with.

p.s. i’m getting over 100 hits daily now. i love you all! (and please feel free to comment, i’ll love you even more!)

_tag a war

May 30, 2008

no, i don’t know html, but as it turns out i’m fluent in copy\paste. with a little help from my good friend a.

click on the creamy pea soup to see who’s it.

i found a cockroach in my soup. i guess it wasn’t substantially very different than the shrimps i was planning to eat from the same bowl. i was so happy i noticed it on my spoon before i put it in my mouth. then i thought about the spoonful i’d already swallowed.

i got a 60 min. full body massage for 8$. after she was done, i noticed my masseuse had six fingers. five regular sized and one little baby finger growing out of the side of her thumb.

there was a dragon dancing in the street yesterday. and a man standing on a pole three stories high throwing fire works. i kept wondering how he was going to get off that pole.

oh, and i have no photos because i still don’t have a camera. because i suck.