
June 15, 2008


April 17, 2008

been thinking about patterns and repetition.

how similar we all are. how a revolution is just another turn of the wheel.

how far people travel just so they can say, this is just like that. this is so different.

_my shrigley

April 4, 2008



April 2, 2008

what separates us now?

60 min. on the highway

one whole year

expectations and disappointment

what separated us then?

rotten habits

silent tears

great expectations and grand disappointment

i don’t miss you,

i just miss


December 14, 2007


(this is not a drawing of a. who is young and beautiful, whereas this lady is old and sad).

j. (who is young and beautiful and sad) tells me she feels like a ghost. says she feels like a guest in her own life. we’re in a cab on the way to the mall, where she can truly be happy. i want to make her happy.

r. is speaking of change. says he feels it slowly, like an avant garde movie. we’re sharing a semi flat tuborg, wrapped in a security blanket. i’m glad some things don’t change.

a. is back to point a. with s. once removed. it doesn’t seem to make any sense, but i can understand why he’s doing it.

j.j. is still an orange dot. i can wait.