_tag a war

May 30, 2008

no, i don’t know html, but as it turns out i’m fluent in copy\paste. with a little help from my good friend a.

click on the creamy pea soup to see who’s it.

_a perfect fri. nite

February 8, 2008

j, a, popcorn, volver, thai soup, too spicy, then not spicy enough.

i found a cockroach in my soup. i guess it wasn’t substantially very different than the shrimps i was planning to eat from the same bowl. i was so happy i noticed it on my spoon before i put it in my mouth. then i thought about the spoonful i’d already swallowed.

i got a 60 min. full body massage for 8$. after she was done, i noticed my masseuse had six fingers. five regular sized and one little baby finger growing out of the side of her thumb.

there was a dragon dancing in the street yesterday. and a man standing on a pole three stories high throwing fire works. i kept wondering how he was going to get off that pole.

oh, and i have no photos because i still don’t have a camera. because i suck.

_what i had for dinner

December 2, 2007


apple cider with cinnamon sticks and rum

left over thanksgiving collard greens (even better this week than last)

sweet potatoes with (parsley, sage) rosemary and thyme

renewed turkey soup with ramen noodles

a quarter of a bag of stale bamba

some pomegranate seeds

very garlicky, gingery soy sauce (straight up)

left over indian chicken and rice (so good)

a biscuit