a whole case of plums rolling down bezalel street in jerusalem.

right under my house. it’s a pleach.


June 22, 2008

today at westside market. i also saw a grape. it’s a fucking goldmine!

(i was sick in bed for three days. this is about all the excitement i got) (well, other than i.’s office party) (oh, and shopping my ass off with e.) (okay, i suck)

a. has pointed out that the new (and exiting) design is a bit confusing. i didn’t see it at first, but i think i understand what he means now. i will be fiddling with it over the weekend (i’m off to bangkok for a couple of days, doubt i’ll have too much free time there between massage, papaya and shopping).

see what i come up with.

p.s. i’m getting over 100 hits daily now. i love you all! (and please feel free to comment, i’ll love you even more!)


May 28, 2008

you’re it

_squashed melon

April 29, 2008

the fruit on the sidewalk thing started a year and a half ago with a basket of strawberries rolling down broadway. since iv’e seen a pineapple on the beach in santa monica, random tomatoes in tel aviv and s tutti fruti mix in bangkok. this one’s right by my house in jerusalem.

_still life in bangkok

April 25, 2008

last time i was here i ate the banana. it tasted like sperm. this time i didn’t even unwrap the fruit.

_i love my baby

April 4, 2008

j. is watching a cooking show and cracking up. why? because the guy is cooking little baby oranges

_dead-head to newark

January 26, 2008


1. chocolates. shown here much larger than they actually are.

2. almond covered sponge cake. untouched.

3. some other strange pastry. here shown after some nibbling.

4. four fresh dates.

5. rolled napkin.