_just good enough

January 4, 2009


under the pressure of great expectations i have chosen to deliver something minor. two pages of my pocket sketchbook.聽 the magenta and grays are from before. red and green after.

24 Responses to “_just good enough”

  1. S Says:

    love your hand writing and the pink sketch also:)

  2. K Says:

    Your sketches are like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re gonna get 馃檪

  3. just me Says:

    oh babe you are so talented!!!
    keep going as you are.
    i love you.

  4. r.i Says:

    砖驻专讛 讛讬拽专讛!
    讗讜诇讬 讝讜 讞讚讬专讛 诇驻专讟讬讜转讱 讗讱 讗谞讬 讞讜砖讘转 砖讻讗谉 讬砖 住讬讻讜讬 诪讗讜讚 住讘讬专 砖转拽专讗讬 诪讛 砖讗谞讬 讻讜转讘转..
    讗转讞讬诇 讘讻讱 砖讗讜讚讛 诇讱, 讘讝讻讜转讱 砖专讚转讬 讗转 讛转拽讜驻讛 讛拽砖讛 讘讬讜转专 讘讞讬讬诐 砖诇讬, 讛诪讬诇讬诐 砖诇讱 讞拽讜拽讜转 讘讬 讜诪讝讻讬专讜转 诇讬 转诪讬讚 砖讛讻诇 注讜讘专.
    讗转 讘谉 讗讚诐 诪讚讛讬诐 讜讗谞讬 讞讜砖讘转 砖讝讜 讝讻讜转 砖谞驻诇讛 讘讞诇拽谞讜 诇讛讻讬专 讗讜转讱.
    讗讜讛讘转 讗讜转讱 讛诪讜谉 讛诪讜谉
    砖讬讛讬讛 讘讛爪诇讞讛 讘讛讻诇, 讘讻诇 讗砖专 转讘讞专讬 诇注住讜拽 讜讘讞讬讬讱 讛驻专讟讬讬诐.

  5. hila Says:

    砖驻专讛 讬拽专讛

    讗转 诪拽住讬诪讛 讜诪注讜专专转 讛砖专讗讛

    砖转讛讬讛 诇讱 砖谞讛 谞讛讚专转


  6. moranistyle Says:

    Your sketches are wonderful
    I think the way you draw your art is rare
    and I like it very much (:

  7. Ariel Says:

    welcome back lady face. I’ve missed you.

  8. n1 Says:

    “5” was painted in my imgination than was dialed in real. Had it been now you’d ask dozen and many more would have been sent, I say.

    Most relate to red and green as the symbols of navigation. Stop (though, as you have experienced, some won’t) go (many will hesitate) and bump into each other. You prevailed to demonstrate the truth in motion by showing when it’s time to stand still and when to move on. Grateful we are for the twist you have just added to the palate: to let us know that one can also flourish in green and blossom in red… keep sketching!

  9. Jonathan Says:

    It’s very pretty.

  10. cupid Says:

    welcome back! :)you’re way more than “just good enough”.

  11. YAFIT Says:




  12. alias Says:

    as long as you hold to your own expectations there won’t be any disappointments

  13. Andrei Says:

    You are everything I ever looked for in someone. I know, I never actually met you in person and appearances can sometimes fool you and all that…But sometimes you just know.
    I guess some soul mates will never meet 9most probably don’t). But it’s enough to know you’re there.
    With so many fans around lately, I suppose you can’t tell the ones that you really touched from the rest.
    You gave me hope (and I guess I’m not the only one telling you this). Conquer the world!You deserve it as much as it deserves you. Love,

  14. bili Says:

    诇讬诇讛 讟讜讘 砖驻专讛,
    砖诪讞讛 诇拽专讜讗 讗讜转讱 馃檪
    诇讬讜讜讬转讬 讗讜转讱 (讘诪专讞讗讜转) 专讘注 砖谞讛, 砖诪讞转讬 讗讬转讱 讜讙诐 讚诪注转讬.
    诇诪讚转讬 讛诪讜谉 诪讚专讱 讛诪讞砖讘讛 砖诇讱, 讜讙诐 砖诪专转讬 诇讬 讻诪讛 讟讬驻讬诐 讻诪讜: 拽讜诇讜转 专拽注 讜注讜讚
    讗讛讘转讬 讗转 爪讬讜专 砖诇讱.
    诪拽讜讜讛 砖转诪砖讬讻讬 诇”驻专讜讞” 讜诇讞讬讬讱 讜砖讞讬讬讱 讬讛讬讜 诪诇讗讬 爪讘注..

  15. j.j. Says:

    congratulations on the successes. fame was a destiny, no?

  16. X Says:

    Shifra my dear…you’re as good as it gets.
    Its great to have back!

    We love you!

  17. sapir Says:

    love your unique creation.

  18. princessmonanoke Says:

    it reminds me “great expectations” by charles dickens, don’t know why..but it just is..what do you expect?!

  19. Maayan Granit Says:

    Hey Shif

    Good news for you: Leonard Cohen will play a live concert in New York on Febuary 19 2009 at the Beacon Theater. Tickets go on sale Friday January 16 2009. I Hope you’ll have the opportunity to attend the concert.

    Love, Maayan Granit.

  20. * Says:

    fingers and thumbs.

  21. David S Says:

    Missed you hun,
    Hope all is well. Thinking of you.

  22. Danielle* Says:

    Absolutely gorgeous.very delicate. I like your hand writing, it reminds me of mine. 馃檪
    You inspire me alot.

  23. osher Says:

    砖驻专讛 馃檪
    讛讬讬 砖驻专讛, 拽讜讚诐 讻诇 讞砖讜讘 诇讛讙讬讚 诇讱 注讚 讻诪讛 讗转 讘谉 讗讚诐 诪讚讛讬诐, 讗谞讬 讚讬 讘讟讜讞讛 砖讗转 讬讜讚注转 讗转 讝讛 , 讛诇讜讜讗讬 讜讗谞讞谞讜 谞转专讗讛 讬讜诐 讗讞讚 讻讬 讬砖 诇讱 讛砖驻注讛 讻讝讜 讞讬讜讘讬转 讜讛住转讻诇讜转 注诇 讚讘专讬诐 讘讚专讱 讛讻讬 讛讙讬讜谞讬转 砖讬砖 .. 讛诇讜讜讗讬 讜转爪诇讬讞讬 讘讻诇 讗砖专 转讘讞专讬
    讗讜讛讘转 讗讜砖专 馃檪

  24. Mike Says:

    First blog I read after wakeup from sleep today!

    Are you tension? panic?

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